Tuesday, 6 January 2015

A look into half life

I downloaded Half life and I went to the level 'power up' where the two assets that need to be recreated are at. I also took screenshots of other apparatus and devices in the environment to get a clear vision of what kind of area it is and its aesthetic.

Half life's aesthetic is a mix of rustic halls and labs with a late 90s high-tech theme. (when the game was made). the part of the game where the assets are situated has a very aged feel about it. It's located above an old rail complex which is fueled by old power generators.

according to 'half-life.wikia.com' the scientific facility black mesa was built on an old rocket launching and testing facility in the 1950s, so its possible the power up area was part of the old facility as it is one of the deeper parts of half life. I will be looking at old 50's power-plants for reference material. (above: 50's power plant interface, with dials and levers - very analogue)

Its a fact that black mesa is a self sufficient, It gets Its power from the hydro electric damn, and the multiple nuclear reactors produce additional energy. It's suggested that the old facilities that remained under black mesa are still in use regardless of their age.

The asset recreation will be a representation of the assets seen in the 1998 game, brought up to current generation standards. Although there will be a few changes to the recreations that where not present in the originals. The assets will be a recreation of the assets 30 years after they where seen in Half-Life. This means they will have been damaged by the thermonuclear bomb, aged over time and have possible modifications done by inhabitants or combine forces.

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